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Showing posts from October, 2018

Stem Cell Harvest

That bag on the right is the result of a full day of work!  As we hoped and prayed for,  this was a stem cell harvest day.  I had healthy blood numbers when tested this morning so the harvest went ahead.  I will know tonight whether they have enough.  If they need more, we will do it again tomorrow.  Prayers of thanks for a successful day! Breaking news: I just heard that they were successful harvesting enough stem cells for two transplants.  I don't have to give myself more needles and I don't have to go in tomorrow!!  Very happy about that.

Step One Complete

Step one of phase 2 is complete:  The central line is in.  That should mean a lot less needles.  Yeah!  Please pray that infection will stay away and please begin praying that my body will have lots of stem cells to give in 10 days. Next step: Mobilizing chemotherapy Oct 12