I have always had people around me who set the bar pretty high. After all, I belonged to what I consider to be an above average family, thanks to my hard working immigrant parents and my capable siblings. My childhood experiences were way above average, especially when one sees the images coming out of Gaza, South Sudan and other places. I’ve been surrounded by people who excel in their life vocations, whether they be my siblings or my own children. Listen, this is not a lament: Personally, I’ve lived most of my life solidly in the middle of the pack. Average. The mean. I was an average student with an average intellect and, to be honest, below-average study habits. Though I won a couple of athletic awards in high school, I was an average athlete. I became an average coach even though I loved what I did. As an educator, a profession I cherish, I was average, with the occasional bright moment. I was/am able to be an average spouse thanks to Kathy who has an above avera...
The word miracle gets thrown around a lot. “I got the last parking spot in the whole mall parking lot. It was a miracle!” No, I don’t think so. “The Oilers tied it up with 22 seconds left. A miraculous goal!” Wrong! When we speak of a miracle aren’t we extolling an extraordinary event which is a sign of the supernatural power of God ? As much as some hockey fans would like to believe that God cheers for THEIR team, and some Christmas shoppers might speak of a divine parking attendant, I would beg to differ. Perhaps what I have just written is a rather dubious intro for what comes next. Maybe I too should be lumped in with the happy shoppers and hockey fanatics; I’ll leave the lumping to you. You can decide. A little more than a year ago, as we welcomed 2024, my heart was noisier than the New Year’s Eve fireworks. I was experiencing an aggressive relapse and both my Red Deer doctor and a team at the Cross Cancer Institute were unable to provide a viable treatment moving forw...